Band D
Part Time Permanent
16.25 Working Hours – 52 Weeks per Year
Required 01 September 2024
Great Meols Primary School is an Academy which is part of the Oak Trees Multi Academy Trust. We are a very happy, successful and popular school with dedicated hard-working staff and Governors, supportive parents and delightful children.
We are looking to appoint a suitable skilled, well-motivated and enthusiastic person to join our friendly, dedicated team as a caretaker. To apply for the role please complete the application form and provide a letter of application (no more than 2 sides of A4).
The successful candidate will work between the hours of 3.00pm and 6.15pm but flexibility within school holidays and at other times is required and may involve unsociable hours.
The closing date is 4.00pm on Friday 12th July 2024.
Interviews are scheduled for Thursday 18th July 2024.
Application forms and job specifications are available online at Please return the completed application form and supporting letter to Mr Rob Brown, via the school office email address,
The Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of children. The successful candidate will be required to complete an enhanced DBS disclosure and will follow a stringent vetting and induction process, including checks on personal social media platforms. All applicants will be considered on the basis of suitability for the post regardless of sex, race or disability.
For further information about the Trust, please look at our website or contact the Trust office at
The school is committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and promoting the safety and welfare of our children and expects the same level of commitment from all staff.
Great Meols Primary Academy
Elwyn Road
CH47 7AP
Tel: 0151 632 4606