Due to our current Head of PE moving overseas, The Observatory School are looking to appoint a Head of PE to take the lead on certain key areas within the schools Personal Faculty.
Details of the school curriculum can be found on the website https://www.theobservatoryschool.wirral.sch.uk/
This job comes at the most critical junction in the school's development, we are currently spearheading the development and opening of a third campus whilst we are still building the second.
You will play a key part in this journey by supporting a team of Assistant Headteachers, Heads of School, Executive Headteacher and Governors in the delivery of the schools primary aims and objectives.
You will nurture the link between the Leasowe and Vyner Campus by working with the middle leaders in the Lower school to develop the faculty across both sites.
You will develop ways to keep the lines of communication open and ensure barriers are overcome, challenges are met and outcomes improved for all stakeholders.
As roles evolve, we hope that more middle leaders and staff will work in a co-location model but at this time, your role will be based at the Vyner Campus.
We are particularly interested in PE practitioners who can build on the excellent work of our outgoing teacher whilst promoting the engagement of female pupils in PE, a group where engagement is a real challenge currently. There are also exciting opportunities to co-produce plans for extracurricular activities.
Your leadership style will be transformational, but gentle, professional and proper. Your integrity, professional curiosity and the ability to self reflect must be on point.
Our PE facilities are not as good as other secondary schools, but your ability to deliver extraordinary outcomes without excellent infrastructure will be key. That said, working together with the senior team, we have access to development opportunities as the school goes through its re-configuration over the next 12 months.
Your knowledge, skills and experience are important, but so will be your emotional intelligence and resilience. Expectations are high, challenges you have never faced before will come from all directions and the expectation will be on you to meet them in line with the vision of school.
The Observatory School is an extraordinary place of work and to meet our team's expectations, you will be an extraordinary individual with a proven track record in school leadership and management.
In return we offer the opportunity to work with the area's most extraordinary children, we will say, the area's most resilient, cohesive and supportive staff team and where a working day is never the same as the last.
The school is truly a remarkable place and if you feel you would like to embark on the adventure, please take the opportunity visit the school before application.
This can be arranged by emailing Kate Smith HR Manager hr@theobservatoryschool.wirral.sch.uk
Closing date for the vacancy is 25th February 2024 with commencement date of 15th April 2024, although this is negotiable.
Due to high volumes of applications, the school will be operating a rolling interview process whereby candidates may be invited to interview following receipt of their application should the essential criteria be met.
The school is committed to the highest standards of safeguarding and promoting the safety and welfare of our children and expects the same level of commitment from all staff.
All applicants will be considered on the basis of suitability for the post regardless of sex, race or disability
Fully completed application forms should be accompanied by a letter of application, no longer than two sides of A4 and submitted to recruitment@theobservatoryschool.wirral.sch.uk